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About OMS-GROUP e. V.

The OMS-Group is a nonprofit organization and an interest group comprised of metering device manufacturers, communication companies, utilities, metering service providers, electronics firms, and IT companies.


The “Open Metering System” initiative began in 2007 with the development of an interoperable communication system for future-proof metering systems. The OMS-Group e. V. was officially founded in 2015 by the figawa e.V., based in Cologne, and the KNX Association, based in Brussels, along with more than 50 companies from across Europe. Today, the OMS-Group is supported by over 70 companies from 22 nations.
Heute engagieren sich mehr als 70 Unternehmen aus 22 Nationen in der OMS-Group.


The advantages of OMS

Metering point operators, such as municipal utilities, are investing in an interoperable meter fleet for the future with OMS meters. OMS meters are an essential part of the energy landscape of the future.


OMS is a future-proof communication standard as it is based on European standards and is supported by the industry


Free choice of supplier: OMS meters from different manufacturers can be easily combined


Counting different media or a medium of different characteristics, such as gas of different quality (natural gas, biogas).


The meter fleet will be fully compatible and interoperable


Planning security: the investment in the meter fleet retains its value in the long term


Positioning as an expert for cross-manufacturer meter communication.


Direct communication with the meters designed for this purpose is possible: reading consumption, controlling meters, locating defective meters or leaks, switching off meters, etc.


OMS meters enable the introduction of smart grids to reduce energy consumption and improve the integration of renewable energies


ISO/IEC 14543-3 = EN 50090 (KNX) has been integrated into the OMS application profile for data visualization (consumption display) and the connection of building automation (smart home) at the consumer. KNX installations can thus gain added value from OMS meters without great effort, as they use the S-mode according to EN13757-4 for wireless communication just like the OMS meters.

The Standard for Remote Reading of Smart Meters

The Open Metering System is based on M-Bus. It is the only system definition across Europe which integrates all media (electricity, gas, heat and water incl. submetering) into one system. The OMS-Group e. V. is a nonprofit organization and interest group of meter manufacturers, utilities, meter operators, electronics manufacturers, communication firms, and IT companies.

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