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OMS certification – safety for manufacturers and users

Would you like to stand out from the competition and have independent confirmation that your products comply with OMS specifications as well as national and international standards? Get certified and demonstrate conformance and reliability of your products on the market!

Filter certified products:

EquaScan RF V2

Heat cost allocator

Manufacturer: Allmess GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

EquaScan hMIU RF

Heat meter module

Manufacturer: Allmess GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

EquaScan wMIU RF

Water meter module

Manufacturer: Allmess GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Ultrasonic water meter

Manufacturer: Apator Powogaz S.A.

Generation: 3/4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Water meter

Manufacturer: Arad Measurement Technologies LTD

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

Wall Mount XTR

Radio module for water meters

Manufacturer: Arad Measurement Technologies LTD

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Compact thermal energy meter

Manufacturer: B METERS s.r.l.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Water meter

Manufacturer: B METERS s.r.l.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Water meter

Manufacturer: B METERS s.r.l.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Wireless M-BUS module for water meters

Manufacturer: B METERS s.r.l.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

E-Series G2

Ultrasonic water meter

Manufacturer: Badger Meter

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

HCA Monitor 2.0 E

Heat Cost Allocator

Manufacturer: Caleffi S.p.A

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

Monitor Pulse

Domestic water consumptions data acquisition device

Manufacturer: Caleffi S.p.A

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

EM24 W1

Electricity Meter

Manufacturer: Carlo Gavazzi Controls S.p.A.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Thermal energy meter, Cooling meter, Heating/Cooling meter

Manufacturer: Diehl Metering GmbH

Generation: 3

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Radio Modul

Manufacturer: Diehl Metering GmbH

Generation: 3

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Ultrasonic water meter

Manufacturer: Diehl Metering GmbH

Generation: 3

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Ultrasonic water meter

Manufacturer: Diehl Metering GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Ultrasonic water meter

Manufacturer: Diehl Metering GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Ultrasonic water meter

Manufacturer: Diehl Metering GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Thermal energy calculator

Manufacturer: Diehl Metering GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Compact heat meter/ compact cooling meter

Manufacturer: Diehl Metering GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Thermal energy meter, Cooling meter, Heating/Cooling meter

Manufacturer: Diehl Metering GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Electronic water meter

Manufacturer: E. Wehrle GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Electronic water meter

Manufacturer: E. Wehrle GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

HCA e2

Electronic heat cost allocator

Manufacturer: Engelmann Sensor GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Compact heat/cooling meter

Manufacturer: Engelmann Sensor GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

SensoStar C

Calculator, heat meter, cold meter

Manufacturer: Engelmann Sensor GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


OMS module with integrated inductive sensor for water meters

Manufacturer: G2 misuratori S.r.l.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Cable connection to external sensors

Manufacturer: G2 misuratori S.r.l.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

Sonico Nano

Smart Water Meter

Manufacturer: GWF AG

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

MERLIN MJ 868 wMBus module/ MERLIN 868 wMBus module

Water Meter

Manufacturer: Honeywell

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

Topas Sonic W8

Residential water meter

Manufacturer: Integra Metering SAS

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Water meter

Manufacturer: Itron France

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

Cyble 5

Water or gas meter

Manufacturer: Itron France

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

Intelis IW2

Water meter

Manufacturer: Itron France

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Heat and cooling meter

Manufacturer: Kamstrup A/S

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Heat and cooling meter

Manufacturer: Kamstrup A/S

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

flowIQ® 3100

Water meter

Manufacturer: Kamstrup A/S

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Water meter

Manufacturer: Kamstrup A/S

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Heat and cooling meter

Manufacturer: Kamstrup A/S

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Heat and cooling meter

Manufacturer: Kamstrup A/S

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Heat and cooling meter

Manufacturer: Kamstrup A/S

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Unidirectional ultrasonic gas meter

Manufacturer: Landis+Gyr GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

T550 (UH50…)

Ultrasonic Heat Meter / Cooling Meter

Manufacturer: Landis+Gyr GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Ultrasonic Heat Meter / Cooling Meter

Manufacturer: Landis+Gyr GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Ultrasonic Heat Meter / Cooling Meter

Manufacturer: Landis+Gyr GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Wireless M-Bus radio module

Manufacturer: Landis+Gyr GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

Radio EVO Module

Module for water meters, SJ EVO, VTZ and UPZ EVO

Manufacturer: Maddalena S.p.A.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

Arrow EVO

Wireless M-Bus radio module

Manufacturer: Maddalena S.p.A.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

Arrow EVO separate

Wireless M-Bus radio module

Manufacturer: Maddalena S.p.A.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

ElecTo Sj

Water meter

Manufacturer: Maddalena S.p.A.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

Arrow Wan 2

LoRaWAN and WMBus add-on radio module

Manufacturer: Maddalena S.p.A.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate:: PDF-Download

ElecTo Sonic

Electronic ultrasonic meter

Manufacturer: Maddalena S.p.A.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

ElecTo MVM Multiprotocol

Electronic volumetric meter

Manufacturer: Maddalena S.p.A.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

ElecTo SJ

Multiprotocol electronic single jet meter

Manufacturer: Maddalena S.p.A.

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Q water 5.5

Water meter

Manufacturer: QUNDIS GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Q caloric 5.5

Heat cost allocator

Manufacturer: QUNDIS GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Q heat 5.5 R | Capsule

Heating meter

Manufacturer: QUNDIS GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Q heat 5.5 R | Screw-type

Heating meter

Manufacturer: QUNDIS GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Q heat 5.5 US R

Heating meter / Cooling meter

Manufacturer: QUNDIS GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Q module 5.5 water

Adapter for heat meters

Manufacturer: QUNDIS GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Q module 5.5 heat

Adapter for heat meters

Manufacturer: QUNDIS GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Q module 5.5 water Allmess

Module for water meter

Manufacturer: QUNDIS GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download


Static Water Meter

Manufacturer: Sensus GmbH Ludwigshafen

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

PolluCom F

Compact Heating/Cooling Meter

Manufacturer: Sensus GmbH Ludwigshafen

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Sensus CompactRF

Radio modul

Manufacturer: Sensus GmbH Ludwigshafen

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Sensus PulseRF

Radio modul

Manufacturer: Sensus GmbH Ludwigshafen

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Domo R

wM-Bus Module 868 MHz

Manufacturer: Sensus GmbH Ludwigshafen

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

PolluTherm F

Integrator for measuring heating and cooling energy

Manufacturer: Sensus GmbH Ludwigshafen

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download


Compact heating cooling meter

Manufacturer: Sensus GmbH Ludwigshafen

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Sontex 868

Electronic Heat Cost Allocator

Manufacturer: Sontex SA

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Superaqua 1

Electronic Water meter

Manufacturer: Sontex SA

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Supercom 587

Radio Module

Manufacturer: Sontex SA

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

FHKV radio 4

Radio heat cost allocator

Manufacturer: Techem Energy Services GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Impuls Funkschnittstelle radio 4

OMS radio interface for a heat meter

Manufacturer: Techem Energy Services GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Measuring capsule heat meter type 4.1.1

Measuring capsule heat meter with OMS radio interface

Manufacturer: Techem Energy Services GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Measuring capsule heat meter type 4.5.1

Measuring capsule heat meter with OMS radio interface

Manufacturer: Techem Energy Services GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Pulse radio interface radio 4

OMS radio interface for a water meter

Manufacturer: Techem Energy Services GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Radio ultrasonic meter vario 4 type 4.1.3

Heat quantity meter

Manufacturer: Techem Energy Services GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Radio ultrasonic meter vario 4 type 4.1.2

Heat quantity meter

Manufacturer: Techem Energy Services GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download

Radio module FM radio 4

Radio interface for water meter

Manufacturer: Techem Energy Services GmbH

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificatt: PDF-Download

Qalcosonic W1

Smart ultrasonic water meter with integrated radio communication

Manufacturer: UAB Axioma Metering

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Single Jet wall mounting water meter

Manufacturer: Wasser-Geräte

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Water meter multi-jet dry MT-E | electronic with LCD display

Manufacturer: Wasser-Geräte

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download


The intelligent measuring cartidge system electronic with LCD display

Manufacturer: Wasser-Geräte

Generation: 4

Security Profil: B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

IIUW with NDC-module

Ultrasonic water meter

Manufacturer: ZENNER International GmbH & Co. KG

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


Ultrasonic water meter

Manufacturer: ZENNER International GmbH & Co. KG

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


OMS interface of radio module of zelsius®C5

Manufacturer: ZENNER International GmbH & Co. KG

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificat: PDF-Download


OMS interface of radio module of zelsius®C5

Manufacturer: ZENNER International GmbH & Co. KG

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download


OMS interface of radio module of zelsius®C5

Manufacturer: ZENNER International GmbH & Co. KG

Generation: 4

Security Profil: A/B

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

caltos E wM-Bus

OMS-interface of radio module of heat cost allocator (HCA)

Manufacturer: ZENNER International GmbH & Co. KG

Generation: 4

Security Profil: 5 (A) / 7 (B)

Datasheet: PDF-Download

OMS Certificate: PDF-Download

The Standard for Remote Reading of Smart Meters

The Open Metering System is based on M-Bus. It is the only system definition across Europe which integrates all media (electricity, gas, heat and water incl. submetering) into one system. The OMS-Group e. V. is a nonprofit organization and interest group of meter manufacturers, utilities, meter operators, electronics manufacturers, communication firms, and IT companies.

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