
Wir möchten unseren Kunden die Möglichkeit bieten, Smart Meter über eine drahtlose Schnittstelle auszulesen. Gibt es einen Software Development Kit dafür, oder können wir alle relevanten Informationen den bestehenden Normen entnehmen?


Zur drahtlosen Auslesung gehört immer auch ein Stück Hardware, nämlich der Empfänger und daran anschließend das Gateway, z. B. zum Internet. Die OMS-Spezifikation beschreibt die Kommunikation zwischen dem Messgerät und dem Empfänger/Gateway. Die weitere Kommunikation wird bei OMS nicht betrachtet. In Deutschland hat das BSI mit der Technischen Richtlinie TR-03109 für diesen Bereich Festlegungen getroffen. Sie sind allerdings nur für Elektrizität und Gas verbindlich. Wenn Sie selbst kein Gateway bauen wollen, empfehle ich Ihnen die Gateways, die von OMS-Mitgliedern hergestellt werden, die Sie auf unserer Homepage finden.

What is the difference between OMS 2.0 and OMS 3.0?


The most significant change is that synchronous transmission is supported by the Generation 3 release. This supports the reception with battery-powered meters. Generation 2 meters need a mains-supplied receiver. In addition, various small improvements and bug fixes have been implemented.

Is there a solution for reading heat meters from various manufacturers, which supports walk-by meter reading on a Windows laptop with a Wireless Meter Bus radio module via USB/Bluetooth?


The OMS specification also covers walk-by systems. Some manufacturers develop a custom solution. Additionally, off-the-shelf systems are available. These should be able to cover measuring devices for all energy segments.

Can two OMS devices from different manufacturers communicate with each other, if both use the OMS specification, but also use proprietary commands?


The OMS-Group has developed an interoperable system and a test procedure to ensure the communication between devices from different manufacturers by a standardized protocol.

Are OMS versions backward compatible?


At OMS-Group, we speak of generations of the specifications. Two charts at the end of the publication “Das OMS-Generationenkonzept” give an overview of the downward compatibility of OMS generations. An English version will be available soon.

Is it possible to perform a pre-test to determine if my product will pass OMS certification?


You can order the OMS test tool by sending us the order form, which you can find here on the OMS-Group website. Non-members can also order the test tool. A new version of the test tool will be available soon. As soon as the new version is released, you can update your older version of the test tool.

How can I join the OMS-Group?


We are happy to welcome new members in the continuously growing OMS community. You will find all details on the OMS website, such as the membership form, and information on the annual membership fee and the registration fee, which varies depending on the size of your company.

Which certification bodies test and certify compliance with the OMS specification?


Currently DVGW CERT, the largest gas and water certification authority in Europe, is the only certifier that tests and certifies OMS products (www.dvgw-cert.com). esting and certification is conducted by the DVGW test laboratory at the Engler Bunte Institute of the KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (www.dvgw-ebi.de/forschungsstelle.htm).

How can you identify the manufacturer ID of an OMS product?


The manufacturer ID is transmitted with each message. The position of the vendor ID of an OMS product is described in OMS specification Volume 2.

Download the specification
The supplier identification code is specified by DLMS:

Link to DLMS website


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